Welcome Home...
You have most likely landed here because you are in the midst of awakening on your spiritual journey, or perhaps there is that call tugging inside you for something deeper...
Maybe you are seeking to heal yourself from physical pain, overcome emotional traumas, release old patterns that are no longer serving you, become more active, learn how to eat better, or in general just seeking to live a happier, healthier, stress-free life.
Whatever has drawn you, I am happy that you are here, and I look forward to connecting with you and being able to guide you along your way to realizing the power that you have within you to truly heal your own life.
I am Chrystal, the Healthy Healing Goddess
Hey there Beautiful Soul,
My name is Chrystal and I am a resident of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and the proprietor of the Healthy Healing Goddess. I founded this business back in 2018 as a means for those looking to heal, whether mind, body or spirit, through natural and holistic therapies.
Our mother earth provides us many incredible plants and herbs that are supportive and curative for a full spectrum of ailments, from minor to chronic.
My in depth journey on this path of healing began in 2017 when I found myself fighting for my life after a severe bout of food poisoning which revealed that I had an internal fungal infection that was attacking my organs. Needless to say, this was a long recovery, but through this process I quickly came to see that the most powerful healing I was experiencing was with the application and dedication to the holistic therapies.
Food became my medicine.
Yoga built my strength, and meditation kept me anchored during these turbulent seas.
It was a 3 fold process.
Mind, Body, Soul
Being the true empathic intuitive Capricorn free spirit that I am, I knew that this was a turning point in my life path, and from there forward I have continued to seek out, learn, apply, share, and most importantly, educate others on the power of herbal remedies, sacred medicines, and holistic therapies.
It is a blessing to Be of Service to You.
Energetic Herbalist
Sacred Ceremonies Facilitator
Magick Worker
Psychic Intuitive

“After going through a rough patch last year I decided to turn to mother ayahuasca and attend a ceremony to try and release some of the pain that was festering within me. I had faith in the healing properties of this sacred plant medicine having done a couple of ceremonies in the past.
However, my intention differed this time from the past ceremonies. Previously I has asked for guidance...
- Minty
“Healthy Healing Goddess has been very instrumental in helping me to find happiness and understanding after working with her over the last 12 months.
For starters I was having a few health issues and she introduced a new way of looking at my diet, starting with the 80/20 philosophy, the goal is to eat healthy 80% of the time in the beginning of a new diet.